Get Access
Access to the EvapProg service can only be gained through the PL-Grid Infrastructure, the Polish Grid Infrastructure. Hence, in order to get access the following options are available.
- [If you are a Polish scientist and thus have the OPI number1]
Register at the PL-Grid Portal. Log into the PL-Grid Portal and go to “Moje konto”. In the section “Katalog usług” find “Platforma dziedzinowa: Hydrologia” and click “Rozwiń”. Apply for a service named “EvapProg: system prognozowania ewapotranspiracji” by clicking “Aplikuj o usługę”. Follow the next steps in the process of application in the PL-Grid Portal.
- [If you are a Polish student (BSc, MSc,PhD) and do not have the OPI number1]
Contact your supervisor and ask for accepting you as a co-worker associated with her/his OPI. Once this is done and your application is accepted, register at the PL-Grid Portal. Log into the PL-Grid Portal and go to “Moje konto”. In the section “Katalog usług” find “Platforma dziedzinowa: Hydrologia” and click “Rozwiń”. Apply for a service named “EvapProg: system prognozowania ewapotranspiracji” by clicking “Aplikuj o usługę”. Follow the next steps in the process of application in the PL-Grid Portal.
- [If you are not a Polish scientist and do not have the OPI number1]
Contact your co-investigator in Poland and ask for accepting you as a co-worker associated with her/his OPI. Once this is done and your application is accepted, register at the PL-Grid Portal. Log into the PL-Grid Portal and go to “Moje konto”. In the section “Katalog usług” find “Platforma dziedzinowa: Hydrologia” and click “Rozwiń”. Apply for a service named “EvapProg: system prognozowania ewapotranspiracji” by clicking “Aplikuj o usługę”. Follow the next steps in the process of application in the PL-Grid Portal.
1The OPI number is a unique number which is assigned to every Polish researcher, the abbreviation of the number comes from the Polish name of National Information Processing Institute (Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji).